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Our Ministries

Deacons Ministry

Deacon Will Scott Jr., Head Deacon


The charge for service of Deacons is found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. â€‹


Music Ministry

Bro. Mitchell Pierce Jr., Minister of Music


The Music Ministry leads the congregation through song and worship. It consists of choir members and musicians who are present every Sunday and at every program of the church where music is a vital part. Choirs at Union include: Mens and Inspirational. Men’s Choir rehearsals are Mondays at 6:00 p.m. Inspirational Choir rehearsals are Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.


Youth Ministry

Sis. Angela Pierce, Director


The Youth Ministry teaches young people about Christ and how to grow in their relationship with Him. Our youth ministry provides guidance and support that helps our young people on their journey with Christ allowing them to grow spiritually, socially and emotionally while actively contributing to the church. The Youth Ministry leads third Sunday morning worship and participates in other programs and events.


Deaconesses Ministry

Deaconnesses Ruby Polk & Dr. Regina DeLoach, Co-Chairs


The Deaconness ministry is to care for and assist with the needs of the overall congregation. The Deaconness ministry renders outreach services through cards, gifts, phone calls, food, visits, flowers and other good deeds. This ministry gathers the second Wednesday of each month at 5:00 p.m.


Layman - Brotherhood Ministry

Deacon Pete Raphel, President

Bro. Steve Bennet, Vice-President


The Laymen’s ministry supports the Church, its mission and other ministries. This ministry is comprised of all the men of the church and helps cultivate the Christian life of men through study, worship, fellowship, and service. The Laymen hold weekly Bible study on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.


Usher Ministry

Bro. Thomas Gross, President


The Usher Ministry serves as doorkeepers of the church while warmly greeting and seating members and visitors and maintaining order on Sunday mornings. This ministry provides teaching and training for youth and adult ushers. This ministry meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.


Hospitality Ministry

Sis. Alma Johnson, Chair


The Hospitality Ministry aides in ensuring visitors and members feel welcome through their expression of Christian love. This ministry assists in comforting bereaved families, serves meals during special programs at the church, visits the nursing home and keeps in contact with sick and shut in members.


Decorations Ministry

Sis. Dorothy Bradley, Coordinator


The Decorations Ministry is responsible for ensuring visitors and members of the church feel welcome through the beauty and appearance of the church. This ministry provides decorations for regular service, special events and holidays.


Sunday School Enrichment Hour

Sis. Willetta Walker, Superintendent


Sunday School takes place every Sunday morning beginning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting takes place on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m.



Deaconess Regina DeLoach, Chair


Widows ministry is a ministry of encouragement, comfort, and empathy to women experiencing difficult times following the death of a husband. We reach out to widows in their time of need, providing physical, emotional and spiritual support.


Culinary/Social Ministry

Sis. Charline Banks, Chair

Sis. Shirlene Carter, Chair


The Culinary Ministry nourishes the physical bodies of God’s people by preparing meals for special events designated by the church. The Social Ministry serves members and guest during events with food.


Women's Missionary Union (WMU)

Sis. Lisa Bennett, President


The WMU is comprised of all the women of Union Baptist Church. The WMU supports the Church through service, worship, education, evangelism and fellowship along with other missionary outreach endeavors. WMU meets Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.

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