Reoccurring Programs
Here at Union Baptist Church, we are extremely active throughout the year. For that reason, we want to take the time to highlight some of the most actively occurring programs. We invite you to come join us and take part in our friendly fellowship.
The Church Anniversary
The Church Anniversary provides an opportunity to gather the members of UBC to celebrate God’s faithfulness to our church and together step forward in faith.
The next Church Anniversary will be
Pastor's Anniversary
The Church Anniversary provides an opportunity to gather the members of UBC to celebrate God’s faithfulness to our church and together step forward in faith.
The next Pastor's Anniversary will be
Black History Programs
Black History programs highlight African Americans who have made positive contributions to society. UBC activities center around those values that are endemic in the African American family, such as a strong sense of religion, family, values, history, and culture of its people.
1st Sunday Service
This service is observed by UBC as the weekly memorial of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Gospel mentions the significance of his resurrection and the importance of the witnesses who experience Jesus' rise from the dead.
5th Sunday Service
Fifth Sundays are designed to create mission opportunities for UBC.
Seasonal Programs
There are three main kinds of seasons in the church year- preparing, celebrating and growing. During these seasons, there are times of joy, times of sadness, times of learning, times of working, resting, loving and losing.
There two main reasons for seasonal programs:
To retell and explore the story of God’s love revealed through Jesus and known through the church.
To connect that story to daily life for those who follow Jesus
Description of each season below:
Preparing Seasons: Advent and Lent (4th Sunday in December).
Celebrating Seasons: Christmas, Epiphany (January 6th), Easter.
Growing Seasons:
1st- end of the Epiphany and the beginning of Lent.
2nd- Trinity Sunday, first Sunday after Pentecost or the Seventh
Sunday from Easter Sunday.